faith, hope & Love

faith, hope & Love

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This year I am thankful for:

1. G0d’s presence in my live! H0ly Spirit in me! Praise y0ur name in the highest! 

2. The friendships that G0d has blessed me with “LIFEFIRES, LIFELINERS, <special Gifted friends> and my sweet c0ursemates ‘few only’”

3. My family & friends & me health! Thank y0u Jesus! L0ve l0ve l0ve..

4. My amazing and incredible M0m & Dad ~(>,<)~ I l0ve M0mmy & Daddy!!

5. My sweet siblings – Gung, Ling, Y0yo n Yiyi. ~(>.<)~v I l0ve y0u all!!

6. My new gifts and My sweet Guardian Angel “Val”^^ I l0ve y0u Daddy G0d!!

7. Every opportunity I've received to use my gifts to bring God’s glory.

8. Healing!! ARM0UR UP, LIFEFIRE camp & LSS <^,^> l0ve l0ve l0ve…

9. Gathering every Wed & Fri!! The utm0st!! R0sary prayer!!! [>,<]v

10. Every m0ment that has br0ught a smile to my face and a tear to my eye.


12. All my prayers being answered. Praise the L0rd!! I l0ve y0u Jesus ^^

13.. The pe0ple who keep me in their prayers. G0d bless wh0ever y0u are! =) I pray f0r y0u als0 ^^

14. Every0ne who has supported me financially “L0vely daddy and m0mmy”

15. Being able to dream and kn0w that thru God anything is p0ssible! Hehe <^,^>

16. The opportunities i've received to enc0urage others & supp0rt them by using mine & their gifts.

17. Being able to learn fr0m 0thers thru “sharing”. Thank y0u all br0 n sis in Christ. L0ve l0ve l0ve..

18. Praise & W0rship s0ngs!! Hills0ng, planet shakers etc… [>,<]v

19. Facebo0k, because it lets me c0nnected with G0d’s people!

20. My lecturers – kn0wledge they shared. <^.^>

Thank y0u L0rd f0r every pers0n y0u've placed in my life, every situati0n that has made me laugh & smile, every s0ngs that passed my lips, every moment I have felt loved, and thank y0u m0st of all for l0ving me en0ugh t0 die for me.^^

1 comment:

  1. gud gud... acknowledge the presence of God in ur life... gud gud...
