This j0kes s0meh0w sho0t me als0->>>
1 day Li0n summ0ned all d 0ther animals in d jungLe. “ each of u must tell a j0ke,” he said.
“but if any1 fails 2 laugh, I’ll kill d pers0n wh0 t0ld it. M0nkey u g0 1st”
M0nkey began, “2 men g0 int0 a bar…” when he delivered d punchline, eveRy1 r0ared with laughter, except T0rtoise. S0 Li0n p0unch on m0nkey & killed him. x_x
Next up was Elephant. He t0ld his j0ke & again, every1 laugh except T0rtoise. S0 li0n pounched on Elephant and killed him. x_x
The animals were furi0us with Turt0ise, n0 1 dared t0 m0ve.
Tiger began his j0ke but when he was ab0ut 1sentence in, T0rt0ise suddenly rolled 0ver & began kicking his feet in the air, giggling his head off.
“what’s wr0ng with y0u?” r0ared an irate Li0n. “Tiger isn’t even finished with his gag yet!”
I used t0 be like that!!!! & n0w als0! S0metimes, when pe0ple make j0kes, hard f0r me t0 catch. @_@
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