S0meh0w the command to love d0esnt get thru to me. I may c0nfess that I lack a strong faith, but seldom admit that I am now deficient in love. Perhaps I feel that I am just as loving as the next person and maybe a little bit m0re. huh~ *sigh~ I dunn0…
After all, I can say that I am sensitive to other people’s hurt feeling. My hearts g0 0ut and uneasy when I read newspaper ab0ut abused children, abortion etc and sit uneasily in front of TV when see little children sobbing with hunger or sitting despair beyond crying with a pathetic lo0k. I cant stand.
1 thing that I know for sure is the genuine of caring reach beyond feelings to action. Am I right? Caring is like a current that charge our heart t0 feel exactly the same as what they feel. Love without deeds is useless, perhaps we sh0uld sh0w it t0 other pe0ple as well, share the God’s l0ve. Love is s0mething you need t0 express it especially am0ng br0ther and sister in Christ, plus, neighb0ur and enemy. D0 remember k Val @_@’’’.. hai la hai la…
But! If th0se people sh0w their arrogant look t0ward you every time meet, then what sh0uld I d0? Smile, pretend that y0u didn’t see anything? Any0ne can tell me h0w l0ng am I supp0se t0 bear with it? Val! Shut up!
“you shall love your neighbour as yourself” –Leviticus 19:18”
Caring is l0ving ok –(~0^)v- D0 y0u kn0w that there are 5 types of l0ve language? Later im g0nna share that, f0rg0t d la b0ut that.. huhu…
Let us be Christ’s true disciples, looking t0 an0ther’s need, making stony pathway smo0ther by a gentle word or deed –Thorson. I like! star star star *****
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