faith, hope & Love

faith, hope & Love

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life after camp~

this picture sh0ws h0w hard f0r me t0 make my decisi0n this!!!!! really~

Fuhh… t0ugh! yea!!! t0ugh 0wh... Ahahaha….. s0 funny dude!!! i als0 dunn0 why 0wh!!!!! Can I screeeeeaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm……………...........................................
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………….. ad0i.. what sh0uld I d0? I’ll just give my best t0 Daddy G0d!!!!! yeay!!! L0rd G0d, i L0VE u!!!!. perhaps during the m0ment I typed I feel exhausted… harharhar… life life life "very sh0rt! yes, indeed".. i d0nt kn0w why I feel s0 n0t satisfied with this life. Eeerrrrr… whateva la… hahaha… life always like this. S0meh0w my brain feels tired this~ I d0nt kn0w why~ hahahaha~
WhaT if.... whAt If.... whAT iF....

t0astmaster!!!!  0r  lifeline!!!!

feel like wanna share what i had shared with Bee dear~ i t0ld her, i miss lifeline! last sem i was s0 excited t0 g0 there, h0wever after jumpstart, i think i sh0uld g0 f0r t0astmaster meeting la after a sem i leave they all.. w000hooo... s0rry~ then last wed, i t0ld Bee that i ch0ose G0d!! Praise the L0rd!!! yeay!!! i've t0ld Daniels0n "lifeline pe0ple", Patricia and Daniel the same thing~ h0wever, i d0ubt 0n what i have pr0mised them and myself~ i am s0 kurezey!!!!! what sh0uld i d0??? 

WHAT IF .... 
hard f0r me t0 make a decisi0n~
nevermind la, Daddy G0d always sh0w me the way.
yeay!!! Praise the L0rd in the highest!! 
I l0ve y0u Daddy G0d dear. muaaaxxxx... >.< l0ve l0ve l0ve

<<<<<GMB??? pErhaps im g0ing~ see budget first, asking f0r PAMA then. w0huhuhu....
LSS dear, wait f0r me k >,<v>>>>>

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