faith, hope & Love

faith, hope & Love

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Eeeee.... Daddy G0d, my assignment part....... 
i g0t the hardest part this. hahahhaa.. 
huhuhu... i need t0 d0 all the fl0w diagram 0f ch0c0late... 
yummy3... "try t0 c0ns0le maself dis~"
nyaman t0k~

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Life after camp~

this picture sh0ws h0w hard f0r me t0 make my decisi0n this!!!!! really~

Fuhh… t0ugh! yea!!! t0ugh 0wh... Ahahaha….. s0 funny dude!!! i als0 dunn0 why 0wh!!!!! Can I screeeeeaaaaaaammmmmmmmmmm……………...........................................
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa………….. ad0i.. what sh0uld I d0? I’ll just give my best t0 Daddy G0d!!!!! yeay!!! L0rd G0d, i L0VE u!!!!. perhaps during the m0ment I typed I feel exhausted… harharhar… life life life "very sh0rt! yes, indeed".. i d0nt kn0w why I feel s0 n0t satisfied with this life. Eeerrrrr… whateva la… hahaha… life always like this. S0meh0w my brain feels tired this~ I d0nt kn0w why~ hahahaha~
WhaT if.... whAt If.... whAT iF....

t0astmaster!!!!  0r  lifeline!!!!

feel like wanna share what i had shared with Bee dear~ i t0ld her, i miss lifeline! last sem i was s0 excited t0 g0 there, h0wever after jumpstart, i think i sh0uld g0 f0r t0astmaster meeting la after a sem i leave they all.. w000hooo... s0rry~ then last wed, i t0ld Bee that i ch0ose G0d!! Praise the L0rd!!! yeay!!! i've t0ld Daniels0n "lifeline pe0ple", Patricia and Daniel the same thing~ h0wever, i d0ubt 0n what i have pr0mised them and myself~ i am s0 kurezey!!!!! what sh0uld i d0??? 

WHAT IF .... 
hard f0r me t0 make a decisi0n~
nevermind la, Daddy G0d always sh0w me the way.
yeay!!! Praise the L0rd in the highest!! 
I l0ve y0u Daddy G0d dear. muaaaxxxx... >.< l0ve l0ve l0ve

<<<<<GMB??? pErhaps im g0ing~ see budget first, asking f0r PAMA then. w0huhuhu....
LSS dear, wait f0r me k >,<v>>>>>

Thursday, September 23, 2010

sh0uld i??

sh0uld i make my bl0g as a privat3 bl0g?? hmmm.....
just wait and see la, i think i sh0uld la~

Monday, September 20, 2010

2 Tim0thy 1:7 For G0d did n0t give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of p0wer, of l0ve and of self-discipline.

The theme of Lifefire camp: 2 Tim0thy 1:7 For

G0d did n0t give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit 

of p0wer, of l0ve and of self-discipline.

Jesus, y0u are everything I need. Y0u have teach me a l0t dear daddy L0rd.

“d0 n0t be afraid for you’ll never be al0ne. I’ll walk with you my dear child” 

this was what I heard G0d had whispered to me during 1st or 2nd praise and worship. I wanna speak 0ut l0ud, h0wever I d0nt have the c0urage t0 d0 s0. Pity me~ I tell ya! During Praise and W0rship, I can see all 0f them are s0 exuberant t0 w0rship G0d. Praise the L0rd! yeay!!!

♥ ♥ ♥ kasih itu sabar ♫ ♫ ♫ ♫ murah hati ♫ ♫ ♫ tak cemburu ♫ ♫ ♫ ... dudududu.. ♥

Mr derek!! thank u s0 much!

Then, Derek asked us, what d0 y0u want thru this camp?? I already kn0w what I want because the night bef0re I already d0 s0me reflecti0n of after what I have g0ne thru in this lyfe, I can feel that my faith is n0t str0ng en0ugh t0 bear any bad influence, desire and temptati0n 0f this life. I listed FAITH and L0VE as what I want in this camp.

W0w… I shared with Beatrine ab0ut what I’ve g0ne thru with this lyfe, full of challenge etc. meanwhile, I can feel that my faith is s0mewhere ar0und la, here and there, ups and d0wn~ I get exhausted~ 1st, I need t0 make sure I have FAITH. I really need the FAITH back! I mean FAITH IN G0D. Not only that! I wanna make it greater. Can rite daddy G0d. ^_~v Waa… s0 easy y0u asked G0d like that. 2nd, I need y0ur L0VE Daddy G0d, I kn0w y0ur l0ve never fails, I d0nt kn0w, s0meh0w I feel the emptiness in my heart, I miss my late grandma, bef0re this, I always call her when I get pr0blem and all stuff. When I g0 back h0me then I’ll visit her 0r she already at my h0me and I can sleep with her, pamper with her, talk with her, pray with her, etc “if I explain, till next week la u read this bl0g. But n0w? ahaha… yea, I admitted that I miss her l0ve and daddy G0d’s l0ve.

view fr0m my seat during quite time

Then, quiet time! I has made a right decisi0n t0 cho0se a nice sp0t t0 enj0y the view. Great la I tell y0u, the scenery is 0nly the backgr0und of everything, green and blue c0l0ur really make my heart peace when I started t0 pray. ^_~v 0ur G0d is really great, he has created the w0rld with all the fl0ra which make the scenery w0nderful. For his l0ve is really w0nderful. Every 0ne has ch0se the right place f0r themselves as well, I believe that. 0ne h0ur was spent t0 pray r0sary, while I pray, I can feel the wind bl0w, w0w... best! Sy0knya! I feel peace. Then, I attempted t0 remember, what else I wanna pray? Then, I pray t0 daddy G0d s0 that he’ll give me the faith that I am l0oking for. All I can say was, I felt his appearance in that m0ment, as if he was embracing me and telling me

“there is always a H0PE for y0u”

I was s0 aghast!!!! H0PE?? He gives me H0PE f0r everything. Huh????? I can’t get it! What he wanna tell me? I can h0pe t0 get my FAITH isn’t it? And he gives me the H0PE f0r me t0 achieve the Faith that I wanted s0 much?? I h0pe yes is G0d’s answer.

0ut of sudden, I can feel the c0ld wind blew, dunn0 fr0m where was it, I did give space f0r 0ne pe0ple 0n that chair t0o. Dunn0 why. After that, I feel s0me0ne sat next t0 me as I cl0sed my eyes and recited my r0sary. As I remembered, during that time, I was praying for my late grandma’s s0ul and all s0uls in purgatory. D0nt kn0w whether that was her or the h0ly spirit came t0 acc0mpany me t0 calm me d0wn, c0z that time my tears cant st0p fl0wing t0 my cheeks, crying like a crazy girl that, I was actually try t0 let my sadness and everything 0ut “pe0ple said: tears can make y0u relieve”. I do believe that, every time I g0t hassle then I’ll just pray and cry la~ T_T feel free la, n0t burden amat2 d0ng~ My instinct was tellin’ me that was her la, that c0ld wind embraced me, c0mf0rted me and as if it c0ns0led me fr0m crying~ I feel s0 kena sayang dis, I miss that m0ment. Waa… I miss I miss I miss… “this is the imp0rtance of bl0gging- if n0t, I f0rg0t later” I tend t0 f0rget everything 0wh… I really d0nt want t0 f0rget this m0ment – my mem0ry dis… T_T 

Bee’s sessi0n – map of life “practical reflecti0n of my life”

bee ^_~ we l0ve u.

stuff we used f0r 0ur map of life

Huh??? -_-lll happy and sad m0ment map!! This is what I dislike. -_-lll. My life~ hmm… ok2 la. Sweet time 0f c0z with my grandparents, living with grandparents!! Yeay!!! Happy m0ment!! L0ve l0ve l0ve them, best results, meet G0d, then BAPTIZED!!!!! H0rraaayyyy!!!!!!!! of c0z lah happy m0ments! Then, sad m0ment c0me when b0th my grandmas’ were called by Daddy G0d. (T_T)  (T_T). I started t0 inquiry G0d, where is He and what actually he wanted fr0m me. Started far fr0m Him d, even went church als0 because of the ten c0mmandments. Huhuhu.. stupid 0wh that time. I hide my sadness with a smile “n0t hyp0crite” because I dislike t0 get attenti0n and sympathy of 0thers, I preferred t0 keep it myself. Then, I meet LIFE FIRE!!! They all really my family!!!! L0ve ‘em all!! Praise the L0rd!! ^_~v
master of the game with the pr0fesi0nal mafia 
mafia gang this~ ald0 and alister

mafia gang~ Alister n nick, eldrige, s0rry ur pic x have la~

paling kasihan this villager!!! died 4 d 1st 3 games! ahahha... 0KYK

debbie the dr and mafia "eat d snake"

me d p0or villager "h0ld maureen's DSLR pun like villager yg sakai" lols~ 

All I can tell was really fun, 0n Saturday nite “after surrendering all – laughing2 plak!!” till Sunday m0rning at 2.30am we all hang 0utside under the p0rch there “veranda or p0rch? Dunn0 la”, guessing games and played mafia!! Extremely fun!!! Hahaha… I felt s0 dumb this when I was the 2nd last can guess the 0ne tw0 three … ten. Then, the last 0ne kn0w 0pen cl0se 0pen cl0se 0pen cl0se!!!! I bec0me crazy 0wh!!! Haizz geram!!! Pe0ple yang stay awake during that time << Yv0nne, Brenda, Ald0, Emman, Eldrige, Nick, Alister, Me, Debbie and Ambr0se “f0r a while 0nly” >> s0 much fun 0wh we all. Spent time with gh0st Bundu Tuhan there, c0z g0t d0gs barking~ scary~~ Mafia super duper best!!! H0wever, 4 times playing that, 4 times als0 I bec0me the villager, same as emman “but he died the 1st three games!! Ahahahahhaa… pity 0wh him!!” the 1st game, emman died “see je la we all play” then nick c0z his expressi0n kan s0 suspici0us! With his hands gesture and many m0re la. S0 funny~ hahaha… wr0ng pick pe0ple als0 me. I think 2 times I made him as a sacrifies, wakakaka… s0rry dude! Eldrige s0 n0t 0bvi0us that wasn’t him this, terer 0wh he p0inted 0thers!
Ahahaha… then 2nd n 3rd, Brenda became the mafia, emman kan terer s0 bye bye~ hahaha… alister!!! He was s0 terer la by using the w0rd “USELESS and IMP0RTANT” s0 funny 0wh him!! Hahaha… his expressi0n s0me m0re. s0 straight! Hahaha… Ald0 lagi!! S0 n0isy and the w0rds he used really funny la DUDE!! Ahahahha… sh0wing h0w man he was. Manliness he said 0_olll funny la u dude! Kakakaka… last games~ Debbie was the mafia and Brenda was the spy, Brenda guess c0rrectly and mafia was killed! Hahaha… the end. Eee… best 0wh that game, wish that can play again with they all, 4 times 0nly n0t that fun beh~ thanks u all. Yv0nne as the master of the game pun perhaps get b0red d. hahaha… 

~surrender everything to Daddy G0d~

0ur c0llage~ Daddy G0d we surrender everything t0 u.

I will walk by faith even when I cannot see. Because this broken road may Daddy God prepares His will for me. I will surrender everything in His hand, without his help, I am weak. He is my healer~ YOU ARE WORTHY Jesus For You are My EVERYTHING. I can feel h0w W0NDERFUL is y0ur l0ve. Y0u t0uched every single heart during we surrender everything f0r y0u daddy L0rd G0d. I can feel that y0u always be there f0r us, I’ll open my heart f0r y0u Daddy L0rd G0d.

All I can tell that night was a really w0nderful, beautiful, awes0me, great, superb, exhilarated nite because Daddy G0d was there with all of us. He was there with everyone of us, every single heart there. It such a w0nderful “SURRENDER EVERYTHING T0 DADDY G0D”. Supergreat! I t0ught during praise and w0rship that I kept 0n crying, all the hassles have g0ne, h0wever there are many things that I haven’t let g0. They pray 0ver me and G0d tells them that He wants me t0 keep my FAITH in Him. H0w d0 he kn0w that!! He is great! Praise His name f0r he is great! Alleluia… after that, I just let everything g0. After that, I saw a girl that really needs s0meb0dy because she was sitting al0ne and crying during that time. I felt sad f0r help, I can feel her pain by lo0king at her face. I walked t0ward her, all I can d0 was embraced her then h0ld her hand while pray f0r her till the end. F0r G0d has utilised me as His to0l t0 tell the girl that G0d l0ves her. I h0ld her hand and pray that she will never be al0ne, G0d always be there f0r her and I als0 be there f0r her. G0d’s l0ve extremely huge, infinity~ w0w… praise his name!

Finally!!! What I wanna say was: that night was the night that I am waiting for l0ng l0ng l0ng time! I have the courage t0 speak 0ut l0ud and pr0claim that Jesus is 0ur G0d. He is 0ur savi0ur, redeemer, You are my purpose of life. I believe in y0u Daddy G0d.

L0rd jesus, y0ur are the reas0n I live. Y0u are the REAS0N I live.

the light was actually the blessing fr0m Daddy G0d yeay!!!!

children 0f G0d~ s0 happy 0wh them ^_~

children 0f G0d~ extremely happy they ol dis ^_~

REVELATI0N!!! It really struck my heart!! I can feel the tangible 0f G0d’s l0ve, he h0ld my hands, b0th hands as I asked him the day bef0re I went this camp t0 h0ld me. And he did, he kissed my head as well, He is s0 real!!

He is my healer, He is my sweetheart and He is my EVERYTHING. He t0ld me t0 L0VE his nati0n, share the pain with them as well. As I can remembered, he whispered t0 me “I L0VE y0u my dear child. Have y0ur FAITH in me, y0u’ll never be al0ne because I’ll always h0ld y0u n0 matter what happen. FAITH, H0PE and L0VE.”
welc0me FAITH, H0PE and L0VE
Faith is the basic orientation and commitment of our whole being, it is a matter of heart and soul. Christian faith is grounding our lives in the living God as revealed especially in Jesus Christ. It’s both a gift we receive within the Christian community and a choice we make. It’s trusting in God and relying on God as the source and destiny of our lives. Faith is believing in God, giving God our devoted loyalty and allegiance. Faith is following Jesus, answering the call to be his disciples in the world. Faith is hoping for God’s future, leaning into the coming kingdom that God has promised. Faith-as-belief is active; it involves trusting, believing, following, hoping. 

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, where unto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. -- Timothy 6:12

Faith is to believe what you do not yet see; the reward for this faith is to see what you believe. -- Saint Augustine

For we walk by faith, not by sight. -- Corinthians 5:7

Hope is a wonderful gift. 

“There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.” Proverbs 23:18

The source of hope is in God, a God who simply loves us and can do nothing else, a God who never stops seeking us. If God is good and never changes his attitude nor forsakes us, then whatever difficulties may arise, if the world we see is far from justice, peace, solidarity and compassion. For believers this is not the definitive situation. From their faith in God, believers draw the expectation of a world according to God’s will or, to put it another way, according to God’s love.  So, there is always hope.

Love: L0VE never fails. 

Jesus embodied the love of God to the world and modelled how we are to act with love and compassion. In fact, Jesus' most pointed description of how human beings should behave once they are aware of God's love is in the story of the Good Samaritan, in which the love of God is expressed through the compassion of a stranger:

"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, and went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him" Luke 10:33-34.

This is the radical love of God as expressed by Jesus Christ. It transcends race, nationality, and religion and is a love that cries for justice and peace; it is a love that is sorely needed today.

Dear Jesus, y0ur are

My Life and my Love
The name above all names
The Good Shepherd
My Strength
The Way for my life
You are my Redeemer
My Hiding Place
0ur Saviour
My Salvation
My Healing
The Everlasting One
You are The Most High God!
My Patience
My Provider
The Resurrection and The Life
You are Worthy of all praise!
Thank y0u daddy G0d f0r everything that y0u have d0ne f0r us. Give thanks, thank y0u daddy G0d.

Really thank y0u Daddy G0d f0r the w0nderful and awes0me camp!!! 

represented lifeteen- De0n n lifeline- Daniels0n ^_^ best picture this!


Sunday, September 19, 2010


Dear daddy G0d, thank y0u f0r the lifefire camp at Bundu Tuhan.

later i'm g0nna p0st my experience here. t0o much t0 say 0wh,
special thanks t0 0ur speaker - mr derek Ch0ng and Bee ^_~v l0ve 'em!!!
i d0nt have time t0 type directly 0wh, later la i type first then p0st it here.
t0o much fun and experience with G0d during the camp. he is G0od! all the time!

i l0ve y0u daddy G0D. we all l0ve y0u. "all 0f us, y0ur nati0n"
i remembered that i asked f0r FAITH and seems like y0u t0uch my heart, thus it make my FAITH greater.
y0u als0 asked f0r me t0 have FAITH in y0u. my answer is yes daddy L0rd g0D! ^_~V

            Y0U ARE THE REAS0N I LIVE. 


The day before camp

0h dear Daddy L0rd, all I need is Y0u. Y0u are the 0nly one I need. These few m0nths, I can tell that I am suffocated in this life! I hate to admit th0ugh it is the fact. I can’t n0 m0re l0nger follow the rhythm of this life, s0 cruel, injustice, full of hatred, full of evil, hypocrisy, indescribable. I am not as strong as what you see daddy G0d, I’m just a tiny little dust~ fuhhhh….juz bl0w me. Then, I ‘ll follow where the bl0w heading T_T. I always ask and ask and ask myself, why my life rite, full of sadness and c0mplicated this. Yea, really, I’m not lying. I d0nt kn0w why als0, y0u wanna test me Daddy G0d? perhaps.. Reas0n? Tut.. tut… tut… Engaged…

 All the sweet mem0ries that I have can be c0unted, eiireirr “n0dding my head” take my hand out and started t0 c0unt my fingers, one, two bla… bla… toe? N0 thanks, less than that.
That’s why daddy G0d… I endeavoured myself to get out from that z0ne. z0ne? sad z0ne~ because I kn0w that y0u will h0ld me, always! n0 darkness, n0 sick of pain, n0 suffering, u always be there for me~ please hold me n0w Daddy L0rd G0d. please~~

My faith??I’m asking myself. Hey!!!! Ya! Ya! Ya! Answer!!! Stupida!!! My tears cant st0p fr0m flooding my eyes~ please st0p darling, please!!! I cant~ it really pain G0d. PAIN? U already heard the sharing rite? u should kn0w rite! Ha  ha  ha  “evil laf”.. all I need is COUNSELLING. Mr Dereck Ch0ng can y0u help me? Mrs Dereck Chong? I need it please~ S0meh0w my sad feeling kan killin me inside dis, I d0nt kn0w h0w express it bah. Yea, I kn0w all the decisi0ns are mine h0wever, I d0nt kn0w~ I d0nt kn0w~ I cho0se t0 get hurt rather than pe0ple yang hurt. Because kan, I feel guilty every time they ol get hurt. Natural that kan. I D0N’T KN0W DADDY GOD. I DON’T KNOW WHAT SH0ULD I DO. Suddenly, lifeliners pe0ple cross my mind! I miss lifeline plak!! Really miss they all. What happen dis 0wh Daddy G0d? what are y0u trying t0 tell me?? T_T.. keep on crying this~

Hypocrisy?? I try to get rid with hyp0crite pe0ple! I really h0pe that I’m n0t 0ne 0f them because kan, I ever experience pe0ple yang like that and I started t0 get rid with that type of pe0ple. I started my life n0t acc0rding to hyp0crisy, I d0nt wanna be hyp0crite!! D0 depan lain, at the back lain, g0ssip2 s0me m0re. die la if me like that, I rather kill myself n masuk hell . Daddy G0d, please give strength t0 endure all these things. Help me L0rd. I kn0w y0u are the 0nly 0ne can help me. I praise y0ur name in the highest. I’m s0rry l0rd f0r begging you many fav0ur, all I can say is “Syukur and Puji Tuhan”. I will pray for y0u as well L0rd, n0t 0nly asking y0u.

later kan, t0mmrw3.. during camp kan, I guarantee that I’ll CRY and cry and cry~ that’s f0r sure “cry” why 0wh? I have many pr0blems in this life. Just few m0nths ag0 went f0r arm0ur up n0t enuf iz it? Human being tend t0 fall in sins, repeat their mistake, etc.. haiiiizzzzzz…..

Best friend, help me! Every time I have pr0blem y0u will always give advice, as if y0u kn0w that I’m in tr0uble. You are my part time guardian angel kan as y0u pr0mise last time, why suddenly n0w y0u disappear with0ut any news? “T_T- tambah cry. Val!!!! U need t0 stand by y0ur 0wn feet!!!! Don’t be t00 pamper!!!!

Bible verse: next time la, I d0nt want t0 cari c0z I am sangat sad this, I d0nt care!! Aaaaaa…aaaa……aaa… F0rgive me Daddy G0d. Me gila d.

Every test that you have experienced is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps His promise, and He will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, He will give you the strength to endure it, and so provide you with a way out. 1 Corinthians 10:13

“Speak, Lord, for y0ur servant is listening”
Dear L0rd Jesus, may the light of your love and truth free me from the darkness of sin. Let your light shine thru me that 0thers may see your love and truth and find h0pe and peace in y0u. May I never d0ubt your l0ve n0r take for granted the mercy you have sh0wn to me. I need the strength daddy G0d ^^.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thank you Daddy L0rd G0d

Oh Lord, I'm so sorry for the pride that creeps into my heart. You alone are worthy. You spoke this earth into being. You breathed the breath of life into mankind. You hold the universe in place. Who am I to take credit for anything. Thank You for all You have given and all You have done. Thank you for meeting my needs and for all the You have accomplished through me. Please, make me a blessing to others and to You. Minister through me to a lost and needy world. Fill me up with Your strength and wisdom, that I might lift Your name high. I thank you and praise You. In His name I pray, Amen.

Catholic Church of St. Anthony, Pocatello, Idaho, USA


Sunday, September 12, 2010

c0nv0y raya this year memang the bez!!!! 2010 memang gempakz c0mpared laz year!!!

I can’t believe that I’m actually stepping 0ut fr0m the h0use just because I wanna g0 “berhari raya” with my friends! I didn’t plan that at the first place due t0 small matter. Yeay!! (^_~)v. 0k, fine. I miss them all anyway! I need to g0 there n0 matter what happen (^_~)v. 

 All I can tell is!!!!! T0day is the best day of ma life. Awes0me! 2nd times c0nv0y with all my sweet buddies! Fantastic! They all the best! Really have fun 0wh! This time, the numbers of pe0ple were f0ll0wing was tw0 time’s c0mpared last year! Me, Nurul, S0fiena, Sarah, Tracy and Marivic“miss ‘em”, Ira, Ewelly, Chai, Ema, Hanif, Jeff, J0nathan, Fidelis, Wences, Azlan, n 1 guy “s0rry, f0rg0t the name” =( my bad! I can tell that this year was the best! C0z I didn’t drive! Let’s the pr0 pe0ple drive! I’m exhausted with being driver! I hate t0 think which r0ad, when sh0uld I pass, clutch, break, fuel etc… arrgghhh… dislike driving! Ahahaha… even th0ugh m0st of my friend said “let me be y0ur eyes”, but… errr… nevermind! hahaha… 0k, let’s c0ntinue my st0ry! 6 h0uses have bec0me 0ur destinati0n! wh0aaa… full 0wh.. 2 days meal. Ahahaha…


tuan rumah, jila pink!

smart la c jeff like k0rean guy"my best friend!" n fidelis!!! red shirt, pilak style-sluar ketupat! ahahah...

with TNC HEP UMS..  hahaha... gurau~

1st! jila’s h0use! Thanks jila! Y0u are the best! D0rang nurul, iranie, s0fiena n sesipa la yg rasa d0rang tu kan => kelaparan nie!!! Hahahaha… teda breakfast nie kita0rang time tu, d0rang lagi tunggu c ameng berjam2 di kedai c r0s! TERKELAPARANLAH jadinya! Hahaha… betulkah nie? Ahahha… Nice fo0d! I like the mee! Scrumpti0us, yummy and spicy, even my m0uth als0 n0 need t0 use lip gloss d, g0t natural red c0l0ur. C ira kepedasan nie! Heheh.. =) mana c s0fiena tu? Dia kelaparan nasi dia bilang, astagnaganaga.. ngapain mau cari nasi d0ng, marilah kita berdiet d0ng! hahaha… ewel n chai rajin membantu^^ rajin 0wh b0th of them, pujian ikhlas (^_~)v . f0r the guys~ d0rang berabis sakan kali di luar makan mee “ntah apa nama” dan kuih muih c fazila mesti habis tu kan? Haha.. men men ja ging, saya p0n x tau apa d0rang buat di luar tu, ada habis kuih ka tidak? All of us has taken lotsa picture (^_~)v really enj0y 0urselves there! Dapat duit raya!!! Yeay!!! Thank y0u uncle Jainal!!! H0wever, c wences x kena bagi n sepa2 la lagi yang tidak dapat tu, dukacita teramatlah diucapkan dari pihak saya k. =p

kami romb0ngan meminang c jeff yg putih melepak nie ^^ tambah cute 0wh dia~ hehe

sweet^^ i mean ada ketupat tu..

2nd h0use was fadilah’s h0use! Thanks dil! Y0u are the best! 0n the way t0 dil’s h0use kan, as if we all hantar r0mb0ngan meminang this!! Wh0 yea?? 0_o??? jeff!! See tat picture. hahaha… dil!!! Y0ur baby b0y s0 kawai!! Hehe.. nurul, pity y0u, cian k0 ek… baby tu tidak suka sama k0 nie! Ahahaha… tahniah n c0ngrats I ucapkan kepada Tracy n Marivic!!! S0fiena, buli tahan ja lah…kepada Marivic and Tracy, syabas dan tahniah! Mereka Berjaya mengembirakan that baby! Ahaha… s0 funny! Nurul teda bakal jadi ibu dalam masa terdekat nie, jadi azlan, sabar2 ah bila tiba masanya kelak.. marivic! I kn0w y0u are the cal0n la f0r this year~ jan lupa jemput if u kawin later, kitaorang k0nv0i punya la, d0rang nie kaya2 banyak kreta ni, ble la kami p sna ramai2! X cukup bajet k0 bilang, kasi cukup baru kawin n jemput kami.. Hahaha… back t0 the t0pic! ad0rable baby~ wo0hoo… apa2 la.. hehhe… sy Berjaya cradle baby tersebut sehingga tertidur2 lagi, lena d sh0ulder I lagi tu!! Cute!! ahahaha.. s0, jan jeal0us yea kepada nurul dan sesiapa yang sewaktu dengannya! Waaahahahha… maksud saya! Saya bakal menjadi ….. maybe. nanny la~ ahahhaha… kan? Kan? Kan? =p.. makan2 and crita2 la… ramai kami 0rang p rumah c dil! Nasib tagap tu rumah, tidak r0b0h la jua, kalau tidak silap saya, banyak giant“S” bah time tu.. ahahahahak! J0king dut “ I mean gendut” hahaha… sesiapa yang terasa jan la disimpan di dalam hati, simpan la d perut ja supaya tambah spare tyre lagi 1. Wahahaha… “Sy0k sendiri sy nie” ASTAGA!!! YA AMP0N!!! tet tet tet tet !!!! time mau mulih dari rumah c dil!!!! Buli buli “TERApik JAM”!! ada tu sy amek gambar!!! Lucu eh!! Bez bez bez 0wh!!! Hahaha… Indescribable!!! Funny!! Sepa beh punca segala permasalahan ini? Sepa yang harus dipersalahkan? C dil la, napa la juga buat tangga yang kici- kici nie… tidak cukup peruntukkan ka? Minta c datin tracy la! Hahahahaha… lawak jenaka ja ek! Jan disimpan dalam hati k dil! Men2 ja, tambah hum0ur dlm crita! *_*v ting! Ting! Ting!  Hahaha…

terapik jam, jeff apa yg k0 tgk cnie? sy tau la sy ayu! ahahaha... sofie, sama hijau eh

3rd h0use!! Rumah c azlan!! Hahaha… nurul! Jan k0 pura2, nie la part yang k0 ternanti-nantikan nie kan? Mau dengar nama c azlan disebut, hehehe… mau jumpa bakal bapa n ibu mertua la katakan. Hahaha… bising eh kamurang time tu. Eleleleh… 0rang mau sembayang pun susah la kan nurul.. hehehe… makan kuih muih memang bez la juga, sambil bercerita lagi nie, c s0fiena mcm puan rumah n c wences macam tuan rumah plak.. iya, betul nie, kami Nampak dengan mata kepala h0tak nie kan ira n nurul ^^. Apahal beh c marivic nie, p cari t0ilet ja nie, t0ilet r0sak pun dik0mplen! Akakakaka… shhh… diam2 nanti azlan kecil hati.. s0rry azlan~ c nurul lagi bertebiat betul, p rumah mana2 mau cari air putih, kalau d0rang kehabisan air putih amacam la? Terhidrat la k0 kunun? Hahaha.. Actually, minuman berkabonat nie banyak carb0n di0xide yang  b0leh memualkan perut bila minum tlampau banyak, due t0 the reacti0n of C02 “carb0n di0xide”, tapi teng0k jenis manusia juga la, ada s0me 0rang perut besi jadi n0 pr0blem. Eh eh eh… terkeluar fakta tindak balas makanan yang kunun2 ntah betul atau tidak dari saya ni.. 0oppsss… mentang2 budak pemakanan, luyar buruk kijap nie, tujuan sy baik, dengan harapan agar c nurul tidak jadi bahan bualan anda suma!! Ahahahah… ah, teda la tu..

bapak sama ibu d0ng

4th h0use!! Rumah …. “n0 name” kawan c ema la, thanks la yer bang~ =>c nurul yang cakap ni bukan saya =p biskut ch0c nyaman d0ng! maksud I sedap! 0k2 la di sana, p ja la beraya di rumah yg x dikenali, tapi sy tertarik ngan kreta putih yang macam mini co0per 2 cute, ntah apa da nama tu kurita. Cute cute cute! Ahahaha.. then kami pun p next destinati0n, underwear balik, banjir bertambah teruk! Naik cikit la. Kecian saya tingu keta yang rendah2 cikit, mcm keta c fidelis ama c hanif, harap2 teda apa2 la, ah… nda pa lah.. d0rang kaya, ngam la tu p service keta hari hari.. hahahaha… nasib sy teda bawa keta sy, kal0 tidak, siap k0 ameng ama wences, sy suruh kmu jadi incredible hulk angkat keta saya “nada evil nie” hahahahaa… kidding d0ng! pastu d0rang tracy ama hanif p ic minyak, astaga, lamanya, kamu p ici minyak ka suruh c ira buat minyak untuk kamu nie? Kan dia budak kimia2 ni, ahahak! Sy ama marivic di kereta pun nabangai dah.. apa  maksud NABANGAI? Hahaha… b0ring ka? Hahahaha… apa apa la, aku sik kesah…

model tangga

merenung future : i wish i wish i wish

5th h0use!! Yeay!!! Rumah Hanif, ketua kelas yang sangat dedikasi, berkhidmat cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang mcm ckap c lim lai h0ng dulu2.. ahahha… s0t 0wh me~ ngeh ngeh ngeh~ mengimbau kenangan lalu d0ng, time muda- muda kala, ah… c tracy x kenal tu, dia kenal c gint0d ja tu.. ahahha… mem0h0n maap kepada pihak yang dinyatakan secara langsung dlm n0te I yg sgt menarik ini, diharapkan teda saman yang dikenakan yea d0uble L H0nG and G*****. Wahahaha… gurauan sekucing- kucing yea.. c s0fiena, ya amp0n, Tanya nasi lagi dan akhirnya tercapai la juga hasratnya.. betul ka s0fiena? Ahahha,.. banyak s0ngeh betul, karau eh… c j0nathan cakap la~ ntah apa la dia maksudkan tu. Time tu sy ternampak anting2 c jeff, astaga, pandai berstyle plak dia nie, ingatkan besa2 ja.. ahahha… dia keep l0w pr0file, maintain senyum2 jak x byk cakap la, shy2 crab rebus, nasib dia x lagi mcm dulu sering berTUKAR, ingatkan jadi g0ku, tau2 crab rebus~ ahahaha.. bujang dah rupanya… ahahahha… macam c mesdenny dulu c nurul  cakap! Hahahaa… kalau c fidelis pakai anting2 besa ja la, 0k la, wa,.. seluar, kim salam yea~ hehehe… cute beh.. ikhlas puji ni dari hati yang tulus ikhlas suci murni nie. Ahahaahak! Jan marah ging! Hhaha.. then, amek gambar d tangga c hanif, arhh.. tangga dia barulah besar n luas, teda kesesakan lalu lintas, sm0oth ja jalan dia. Bagus2, ini yang saya suka. hahaha… lama juga kami di sana tu, c j0nathan pun keb0ringan da, jejaka2 sekalian gimana d0ng? I d0nt kn0w.. aku sik kesah~ waa… jahat this~ pandailah d0rang urus that.

smile =)

6th h0use!!! Last destinati0n! n0t FINAL DESTINATION scary m0vie tu.. ini yang happy2 punya editi0n lar… cikgu N0rifah’s h0use!! W0w!!! huge and beautiful, aku terjatuh cinta.^^ bez 0wh.. tichr Dr0thy pun ada =) makn nasi again kan s0fiena? Hehhe… I wanna g0 beraya x expect makan mkanan heavy, all I need is kueh raya, h0wever, x kesampaian merasa all the kueh c0z t0o full dude! Iskh3.. then, crita2, bez la, terkenang jaman muda kala, ini baru betul2 nie,cikgu2 kita0rang depan mata ni. Dulu malu2 sama d0rang, tu lah jadi NERD 2, NERD mau Berjaya kunun nie, skrg ?? Hmm… len dah la, masing2 berubah dah, mature. D0rang “ke2 orang cikgu kami 2” tkejut tgk suma 0rang dah besar2, hehhe, kami bukan umpana crystal yg x pandai membesar ^^ hehehe… kalau c sarah ya lah, dia maintain macam tu jak. Hehehe… Kmk gurau ek sarah, ib0h marah kmk ya, kelak cpt tua… ^_~v then, ble tahan la amek gambar time tu, banyak sikit, h0wever kan my stupid camera tu run 0ut battery already. Arrggghhh… my bad my bad! I 4g0t t0 charge the battery n 0nly 90 plus pictures I manage t0 snap. Smile =) Kacciikkk… bersurai =) sweet mem0ry~
I hate the way that I feel right n0w. I’m not sure h0w t0 describe it but I think it’s a mixture of happy and sad. H0w can that be? Well, I feel a bit sad because I d0nt think that I can meet all my friends like we all had spent 0ur time t0gether like t0day… huhuhu… g0nna miss ‘em all. Perhaps g0nna meet them s0me 0ther time? in a special event? N0b0dy kn0ws~ hehhe.. Do take care yea every0ne.
 ~_^v G0d will always bless u all wherever u all g0~

Sincere Friends Speak the Truth in Love, Even When it Hurts
Proverbs 27:5-6 An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. (NLT)
Counsel from a Friend is Pleasing
Proverbs 27:9 The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. (NLT)
Friends Shape and Sharpen One Another
Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (NLT)
True Friends Strengthen and Help Each Other 
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 
Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken. (NLT)
Friendship is Marked by Sacrifice
John 15:13–15 
There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn't confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me. (NLT)
The Lord is a Friend to the Godly
Proverbs 3:32 
Such wicked people are detestable to the LORD, but he offers his friendship to the godly. (NLT)
Believers Enjoy Friendship with God
Romans 5:10 
For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of his Son while we were still his enemies, we will certainly be saved through the life of his Son. (NLT)
Friendship with the World Makes You an Enemy of God
James 4:4 
You adulterers! Don’t you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of God. (NLT)